21 Feb 2010

Getting better...

I've had a much better day at the tables after a game on Friday night. Final table of the $1 F40 SNG at PokerStars with 8 left, and money going to 6. Player 'pichichono' pushes all in from under the gun (1st player to act). I have AK off suit. I am 4th in chips and he's 1st. He's been pushing a bit without being called. AK is a good hand at any time, so I decide to call. THe cards are turned and he has a pair of 10s. So its all down to the community cards for me and they come;

2c 4d 9c, then 6c on the turn and lady river screws me over with 9d. So close, yet so far. I was kicking myself over the decision and, so, turned to the wisdom of the Hendon Mob forum, where this was justified. It wasn't a bad call, just an unlucky one.

I took Saturday off to recharge my skillage, and went back today.

Played another $1 F40 sit & go. This time I go out on the bubble, which is very anoying. I had pocket 8s, and my opponent had Aces. This time I pushed, and got called. Again it was the right move, just not a lucky one.
So... it was back to the trusty $1 1-table SNG. My favourite, you could say my speciality. My record at the moment is that I win 1 out of 3. Never place, its either come first or come nowhere. But thats OK. A win is a win, regardless. So here I am, back in the breach.

Play started at 14:53 Western European Time. Play finished at 16:15 WET. It took 1hr 18mins (including 5min break) to win the $4.50. I've been reading various articles from professionals about how best to play a SNG tournament. Quite a lot of it, I was doing anyway. But there were a few little tips I picked up that came in very handy.

There was some abuse from a Hungarian by the name of stackbang. He was an early chip leader due to a nice double up during the 1st level. However, after making a few rash calls, he found himself down to a handful of big blinds. One of my little things is that whenever we get to the bubble I always type 'bubble trouble' in the chat box. No-one likes being on the bubble, its horrible. And because this guy was on a losing streak, he gets abusive. He eventually goes out (not to me unfortunately) when his 5/10 of hearts meets pocket nines. More talk of cheating and how Stars always does this. Get a life and stop cursing bad calls.

It becomes the money seats at 16:13 WET, with me as chip leader, eslayer49 $570 less and chocsca, who I thought had played well but got unlucky a couple of times, on less than half of mine. 2nd hand in the money and chosca goes all-in. I have JJ. As you have read before, this is a bit of a tricky hand to play with 9 people. With 3, however, its a bit of a monster. I have him covered by more than 2-to-1, so I call. He has K8o, and hits an 8 on the flop. So I am now crossing my fingers, saying 'no Kings, no eights, no kings, no eights'. And I got... no kings and I got no more 8s. I am now heads up with nearly 5 times the chips of my opponent.

1st hand - I am in the small blind and I call with K9 of diamonds. eslayer checks. The flop comes A33. We both check. Turn card is another A. He checks, I bet, he folds.
2nd hand - eslayer folds the small blind
3rd hand - I call with AK. He checks. Flop; 7 spades J & Q diamonds. Check, check. 2 hearts on the turn. He checks. No flush draws. If he had the straight draw or a pair he would have bet. So I bet and he folds.
4th hand - I've got 63 off. He pushes all-in. I fold.
5th hand - I get lucky again with AK. He's only got $1,560 left and I want him to play, so I make a little min-raise to $1,200. He shoves and I call. He's got QJ. There are 4 live cards in play... and all of them miss. Making me the winner. Yay for me.

Because of the other tourneys I've played, I am only 90c in profit for the weekend... but all profit is good profit. Lets hope I can start winning 2 out of 3 now.

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